Friday 19 November 2010

Problems with Pathmead

The Octavia Hill Residents Association ( OHRA ) committee have become increasingly concerned by the totally unsociable , belligerent and  aggressive stance adopted by Pathmead, whom we were assured were a Social Landlord or Social Management company.

Social is the last word that comes into the equation, as they seem to be driven by greed and a desire to upset as many residents  as possible and not show one ounce of compassion or care.
For the past few years your committee have adopted a wait and see policy and have not adopted the strong approach with Pathmead that some of our residents have wished us to.

Recent events have made us see things in a true light and made us realise that we have not always put over the true feeling of our members or taken strong enough line. Feeling are running high on the mistreatment handed out to our members and we must react by reporting all problems on the Internet.

We believe that Pathmead are just stooges for the Landlord GraingerGeninvest and staff of Pathmead sign letters on behalf of GraingerGeninvest

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