Wednesday 17 November 2010

Social or Private Landlord - who knows the answer ?

Well we residents really do wonder whether our Landlord is a Social Landlord or a Private Landlord.
Did the Church Commissioners deliberately mislead the residents at the time of the sale or were the Church Commissioners mislead in the negotiations ?
Here are extracts from some of the statements made over the years
Document from Church Commissioners dated 18th February 2005
Any decision will be based upon the outcome of our discussions with potential buyers, and we are now only in discussions with selected RSL's
After discussing this proposal with a number of specialist housing providers, we are now talking to a shortlist of potential new owners, all of whom are Registered Social Landlords (RSL's)
We are currently in discussions with a shortlist of Registered Social Landlords
Church Commissioners Special Bulletin dated 21st February 2005
The Church Commissioners have entered discussions with a number of specialist housing providers with a view to selling the freehold of these properties. Nothing has been finalised and we do not yet know who the new owners will be. We are currently speaking to a shortlist of three potential buyers, all three of whom are Registered Social Landlords.
It is important to note that the sale includes only these properties and that the sale is of the freehold only.This means that if a sale takes place, tenancies will not be affected
Paul Clark Chief Surveyor Church Commissioners letter 9th May 2005
We believe this is a good outcome for all the tenants, as the management of the estates will be transferred from the Church Commissioners ( a private landlords ) to a Registered Social Landlord and the new owners are likely to be in a position to invest further in the properties.
Joseph Cannon Church Commissioners 13th February 2006
Following the Assets Committee's decision to sell the property to joint partnership between the Genesis Housing Group, one of the country's largest registered social landlords, and The Grainger Trust, a leading residential landlord , we are working with them towards the exchange of contracts.
Joseph Cannon Church Commissioners 8th September 2005
The proposed sale is of the Freehold interest only and is subject to the terms of tenants leases.
Paul Clark Chief Surveyor of Church Commissioners undated
I am pleased to be able to tell you that we have exchanged a contract of sale to a 50/50 partnership between social landlords the Genesis  Housing Group and The Grainger Trust, the UK's largest quoted residential property owner.
Stephen McVeigh Pathmead e-mail 17th June 2010
"but the Landlord Gen Invest is a private company "

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