Wednesday 15 December 2010

Octavia Hill Residents Association Neighbourhood Watch

Octavia Hill Residents Association
Neighbourhood Watches
The Association supports and helped establish 3 Neighbourhood Watches on the Estate and we now more than any other Ward in Lambeth Borough

Ufford Street/Mitre Road and Webber Street NHW               Co-Ordinator        Robert Hanwell    5 Ufford Street
Tait & Benson House  NHW                                                     Co-Ordinator        Raymond Keavey 1 Tait House
Croydon & Charing House NHW                                             Co-Ordinator         Kristine Allan   12 Charing House  

The Co-Ordinators meet 1 or 2 times per year to receive briefings from senior Police Officers, the Lambeth NHW co-ordinator PC Karen Hunn and members of Lambeth Community Safety Team.

The last meeting was held on 15th December in Stockwell and was attended by Mike Tuppen on behalf of the Association as well as Ufford/Mitre NHW.

It was a very good meeting and the opening address was by Lambeth Borough Commander Ch Supt Nick Ephgrave who outlined the details of Operation Hannah, which comes into Force  on 14th February 2011.

The good news for the local community is that it will put extra Police Officers on our streets covering local ward clusters.These clusters will cover maybe 3 local wards and will be headed by a local Inspector, who will liaise and work with our local SNT Teams.

This can only be good news for Bishop's Ward in particular and Lambeth in general

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